Submatrix – Four Same Corners: The program must accept a character matrix of size R*C and an integer K as the input. The program must find the first occurring K*K submatrix where the four corner elements are the same. Then the program must replace the top-left to bottom-right diagonal and the top-right to bottom-left diagonal elements of the submatrix with the asterisks. Finally, the program must print the modified character matrix as the output.
Note: In the given matrix, at least one K*K submatrix always has the same element in all four corners.
Boundary Condition(s):
3 <= R, C <= 50
2 <= K <= Minimum value between R and C
Input Format:
The first line contains R and C separated by a space.
The next R lines, each contains C characters separated by a space.
The (R+2)th line contains K.
Output Format:
The first R lines, each contains C characters separated by a space.
Example Input/Output 1:
7 6
a d z d o t
t g y e g b
y d c d i c
s y x v a l
b g s f g f
u a c r p c
k v z n i h
a d z d o t
t * y e * b
y d * * i c
s y * * a l
b * s f * f
u a c r p c
k v z n i h
Here K = 4.
The 4*4 submatrix with the same element in all four corners is highlighted below.
a d z d o t
t g y e g b
y d c d i c
s y x v a l
b g s f g f
u a c r p c
k v z n i h
After replacing the elements in the top-left to bottom-right and the top-right to bottom-left diagonals with the asterisks, the matrix becomes
a d z d o t
t * y e* b
y d * * i c
s y * *a l
b * s f *f
u a c r p c
k v z n i h
Example Input/Output 2:
5 7
z n z X z G z
x X a M t M E
O n T f W V e
S K G X c b F
z U z r R O z
z n * X z G *
x X a * t * E
O n T f * V e
S K G * c * F
z U * r R O *
L=[input().strip().split() for i in range(r)]
for i in range(r-n+1):
for j in range(c-n+1):
for k in range(i,i+n): x.append(L[k][j:j+n])
if x[0][0]==x[0][-1]==x[-1][0]==x[-1][-1]:
for m in range(i,i+n):
for i in L: print(*i)
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