Rearrange Mixed Matrix

The program must accept a matrix of size R*C as the input. The given matrix contains integerscharacters and words. The program must rearrange the matrix so that all the characters occur first, all the integers occur second and all the words occur last in the matrix. Finally, the program must print the revised matrix as the output.

Integer: It contains only digits without any leading zeroes.
Character: All characters except the digits.
Words: It contains two or more characters.

Boundary Condition(s):
2 <= R, C <= 50
0 <= Each integer value in the matrix <= 10^8
2 <= Length of each word in the matrix <= 50

Input Format:
The first line contains R and C separated by a space.
The next R lines, each contains C values separated by a space.

Output Format:
The first R lines, each contains C values separated by a space representing the revised matrix.

Example Input/Output 1:
4 5
12 74 K rock t
9 stone a b c
sun moon 7 h 8
hi3hi p 900 ab 250

K t a b c
h p 12 74 9
7 8 900 250 rock
stone sun moon hi3hi ab

In the given 4*5 matrix, there are 7 characters, 7 integers and 6 words.
7 characters -> K t a b c h p
7 integers -> 12 74 9 7 8 900 250
6 words -> rock stone sun moon hi3hi ab
After modifying the matrix based on the given conditions, the matrix becomes
K t a b c
h p 12 74 9
7 8 900 250 rock
stone sun moon hi3hi ab

Example Input/Output 2:
5 3
letuscrack 2020 june
a b #
1 2 3
4c 10L K7
H hundred 001

a b #
H 2020 1
2 3 letuscrack
june 4c 10L
K7 hundred 001

m=[list(map(str,input().strip().split())) for i in range(Row)]
for ele in m:
    for index in ele:
        if index.isdigit():
            if len(index)>1 and index[0]!='0':
            elif len(index)==1:
        elif len(index)==1:
for index in range(0,len(q),Col):

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