Print Grandfather's Name

The program must accept first and last names of three persons who are in a family tree and print the grandfather’s name.

Input Format:

The first line contains the first and last name of person 1 separated by a space.
The second line contains the first and last name of person 2 separated by a space.
The third line contains the first and last name of person 3 separated by a space.

Output Format: The first line contains the first and last name of the grandfather separated by a space.

Boundary Conditions: Length of first and last names are from 3 to 100

Note: The last name of a person is nothing but the father’s first name.

Example Input/Output 1:
Arun Kumar
Swamy Nathan
Kumar Swamy

Output: Swamy Nathan

if a.spilt()[-1] != b.split()[0] and a.split()[-1] != c.spilt()[0]:
if b.spilt()[-1] != a.split()[0] and b.split()[-1] != c.spilt()[0]:

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