Number without Pair using Bitwise Operators

The program must accept a list of integers as the input. Among these integers, N/2 pairs (two integers having the same value) are present and one is without pair, where N represents the number of integers in the list. The program must print that integer without pair as the output.

Boundary Condition(s):
3 <= Number of integers in List <= 99
1 <= Each integer value <= 10^8

Input Format:
The first line contains a list of integers separated by a space.

Output Format:
The first line contains the integer which has no pair.

Example Input/Output 1:
5 9 4 6 4 9 5


In the given list of integers, 6 has no pair. So 6 is printed as the output.

Example Input/Output 2:
88 88 88 88 88 33 33 33 33


numList = [int(val) for val in input().split()]
numWithoutPair = numList[0]
for ctr in range(1, len(numList)):
    numWithoutPair ^= numList[ctr]

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