Minimum Cost – Land Acquisition

Minimum Cost – Land Acquisition: The government of India plans to build a road In a city. The government also plans to acquire some lands to start the construction. The program must accept an Integer matrix of size N*N representing the heights of the buildings (i.e., the number of storeys In each building) in the city. A positive value X in the matrix indicates that there is an X-storey building. A zero value in the matrix indicates the presence of land that cannot be acquired by the government.
The rules for road construction In the city are given below.
– The road always starts from the first row and ends at the last row.
– No more than one building In a row can be acquired by the government.
The cost to acquire an X-storey building is X. The government has decided to acquire the lands with the minimum cost M. The program must print the minimum cost M to acquire land for road construction in the given city as the output.
NOTE: It is always possible to build a road In the given city.

Input Format:
The first line contains N.
The next N lines, each contains N Integers separated by space.

Output Format:
The first line contains M.

Example Input/Output 1:
0 0 2 0
1 3 4 5
5 0 7 0
8 1 2 3

Example Input/Output 2:
1 2 0
4 3 1
5 2 1

mat=[list(map(int,input().split())) for r in range(n)]
for r in range(1,n):
    for c in range(0,n):
        if mat[r][c]==0:
        if c!=0 and mat[r-1][c-1]!=0:
        if c!=n-1 and mat[r-1][c+1]!=0:
        if mat[r-1][c]!=0:
        if building:
        else: mat[r][c]=0
print(min([i for i in mat[n-1] if i!=0]))

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