Alphabet Matrix – Encryption

Alphabet Matrix – Encryption: The program must accept a character matrix of size 5×5 containing unique lowercase alphabets and a string S containing lowercase alphabets and spaces as the input. Exactly one cell in the matrix contains two alphabets separated by the symbol forward slash (/). The program must encrypt the given string based on the following conditions.
– For each alphabet in S, the program must replace it with its row and column positions.
– All space characters in S remain the same.
Finally, the program must print the encrypted string S as the output.

Boundary Condition(s):
1 <= Length of S <= 1000

Input Format:
The first five lines, each contains the characters separated by a space.
The sixth line contains S.

Output Format:
The first line contains the encrypted string S.

Example Input/Output 1:
a b c d e
f g h i/p j
k l m n o
q r s t u
v w x y z
apple juice

1124243215 2545241315

Here the given string is apple juice.
The alphabets in the string Sand their positions in the matrix are given below.
a‘ -> (1,1)
p‘ -> (2,4)
p‘ -> (2,4)
l‘ -> (3,2)
e‘ -> (1,5)
j‘ -> (2,5)
u‘ -> (4,5)
i‘ -> (2,4)
c‘ -> (1,3)
e‘ -> (1,5)
Hence the output is
1124243215 2545241315

Example Input/Output 2:
z u t q s
b f y k c
w i g d a
n m j/r e p
o x l v h
he is a doctor

5544 3215 35 345125135143

def fun(k,l):
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            if l in k[i][j]:
                return str(i+1)+str(j+1)
    return ' '
l=[input().split() for i in range(5)]
for i in s:

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