A pair of numbers (X and Y) will be passed as input. The program must reverse the numbers and find the sum S. Then the sum S must be reversed and printed as output. – If any leading zeroes are obtained while reversing any of the numerical values they should be discarded.
Boundary Conditions:
- 0 < X < 10000
- 0 < Y < 10000
Input Format:
First line will contain the value of X Second line will contain the value of Y
Output Format: The first line will contain the sum S
Sample Input/Output:
Example 1:
Input: 24 1
Explanation: 24 when reversed is 42. So 42+1 = 43. When 43 is reversed it is 34 and hence 34 is the output.
Example 2:
Input: 305794
Output: 1
Explanation: 305 and 794 when reversed are 503 and 497. 503+497 = 1000. 1000 when reversed is 1 which is printed as output.
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