Relatives Meeting: There is a village festival happening in which several group of relatives meet every year. Each person is allocated an identifier which is a positive integer.
N pairs of relatives identifiers are passed as input. Then finally given a person’s identifier I, the program must print the count of the relatives C in the group of the person with the identifier I.
Input Format:
The first line contains the values of N.
N lines contain the identifiers of two persons who are related.
The next line (N+2)th line, will contain the identifier I of the person for whom the relative count of his group is to be printed.
Output Format:
The first line will contain the count of relatives C in the group of the person with identifier I.
Boundary Conditions:
1 <= N <= 10000
1 <= I <= 1000000
Example Input/Output 1:
10 20
30 20
40 10
55 35
55 22
10, 20, 30, 40 form a relative group.
55, 35, 22 form another relative group.
So the count of relatives for the person with identifier 40 is 4.
n=int(input()) l1,l=[],[] for i in range(n): l1.append(list(map(int,input().split()))) for i in range(n): for y in l1: a,b=y[0],y[1] z=0 for j in l: if a not in j and b not in j: z+=1 continue elif b not in j: j.append(b) elif a not in j: j.append(a) if(z==len(l)): l.append([a,b]) x=int(input()) for j in l: if x in j: print(len(j)) exit(0)
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