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Remove Characters from Left
Remove Characters from Left: The program must accept two string values S1 and S2 as the input.…
Print Largest Even Number – Digits
Print Largest Even Number – Digits: Given a number N as the input,…
Right Angle Triangle
1 min read 1 min -
How to Find the GCD of N Integers Using Python
2 min read 2 min -
Pattern Printing – Till N & Reverse
2 min read 2 min -
Reverse and Print Common Characters in Two Strings Using Python
3 min read 3 min
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Program to Find the nth term of the series
1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27, 16, 81, 32, 243,64, 729,…
Second Largest Value among N integers
The program must accept N integers and print the second largest value among…
A Sober Walk – TCS NQT Question 1
Our hoary culture had several great persons since time immemorial and king Vikramaditya’s…
Meeting Late Comers In Python
A certain number of people attended a meeting which was to begin at…
Print Only Alphabets In Python
A string S is passed as the input. S can contain alphabets, numbers…
Pattern Printing – Half Pyramid Numbers
The number of rows N is passed as the input. The program must…
Space Separated Integers Sum In Python
A single line consisting of a set of integers, each separated by space…
Python Program To Remove First and Last Characters in a String
The program must accept a String value S and remove the first and…
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